Bridges Outreach is celebrating! After 20 years of ministry, Bridges is celebrating over 10,000 kids served, 12 homes renovated, and 100 plus student employees. God has been so faithful the past 20 years and has truly helped Bridges build roots and a firm foundation in our community.  Our community and countless supporters have been so generous to Bridges and now we want to think about the next 20 years!  As we grow, multiply and stay devoted to building God’s kingdom, would you consider a planned gift that sustains the Bridges legacy?   

You may want to consider the following:

Bequests:  A bequest is a gift made through your will that directs the estate’s personal representative or trustee to make a gift from your assets to Bridges Outreach after your passing.  Bequests may be used to provide gifts of money, stocks, real estate and other valuable assets.

Endowment Legacies:  Endowments are named gifts that are invested in perpetuity.  The annual interest income from an endowment then supports specific programs and needs at Bridges Outreach.  Endowments are established through outright gifts, a will, insurance or retirement policies, trusts and other planned gifts.  The Community Foundation Serving Howard, Clinton and Carroll Counties is a great resource for establishing an endowment in your name.  Another option would be to add to the existing Bridges Outreach endowment.  

Life Insurance:  The gift of a life insurance policy can be a great way to combine charitable objectives with tax advantages to the donor.  This is possible because donors may receive an income tax deduction by naming Bridges Outreach as a partial beneficiary or owner of a life insurance policy.  

Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD):  Are you 70-½ years of age or older?  Do you have a traditional IRA?  If you answered yes to both questions, you can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) directly from your IRA to Bridges Outreach and save money on your taxes.

Real Estate:  When you make a gift today of real estate you have owned for longer than one year, you can qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction equal to the property’s full fair market value.  Another benefit is that by donating your property to Bridges Outreach, you can avoid paying capital gains tax on its appreciation.  

By planning legacy gifts, you may be able to increase income from investment assets, while receiving the satisfaction of making a very meaningful gift to Bridges Outreach.


If you would like to discuss these options or make a planned gift to Bridges Outreach, please contact Travis Taflinger via email at or phone at 765-452-5723.